Augmented Reality Direct Mail

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United Mail sent out 90 Augmented Reality Christmas cards in early December 2016 to a select number of clients demonstrating the capabilities of AR. In addition to an interactive AR image, the card had a personalized URL (PURL) for each card recipient. Augmented reality for direct marketing Mail, invitations, business cards, birth, or wedding announcements; if it's an important moment, paper remains the preferred medium. So how do we engage recipients of direct mail? Create immersive experiences around your paper documents.

  • It's difficult to predict how we will continue to innovate direct mail, but one new strategy may change it forever. Augmented reality (AR) is digital content overlayed onto your view of the real world and it's arrived in print. Don't confuse it with virtual reality (VR), which is a full sensory digital experience.
  • Augmented Reality Direct Mail And The Public. As the public are becoming more aware and exposed to augmented reality, it is becoming increasingly used and is rapidly growing in popularity. Augmented reality in direct mail brings new life to your standard print mail and brings you one step closer to a sale.

Kristopher Morris, Senior Digital Strategist

You may have seen or heard about Governor Jeb Bush, the former Republican Presidential Candidate, mailing iPads to people — to share video through the mail… And while the costs for such mailings may be outrageous for many; technology now enables us to include digital video in mail without having to ship expensive gadgets along for the ride.

In the next logical step for augmented reality (AR), what has largely been reserved for mobile apps and large on-site displays can now be transformed for direct mail use.

Augmented reality is simply the display of digital content overlaid onto your view of the real world (whereas, Virtual Reality, or VR, is an immersive virtually constructed sensory experience). Think Google Glass and Microsoft Hololens versus Oculus Rift. The problem with these applications is that you need to purchase and wear additional hardware to experience them.

Augmented reality and direct mail
Augmented reality and direct mail

If only there were a solution that takes advantage of current technology that everyone already has… In moves Apple with its partnership with LifePrint, a mobile app for AR rendering. Simply open the app, hover your phone in front of an AR source material, and the still image/art comes to life with video and sound.

So what sort of content can we utilize?

For now, LifePrint content is limited to live photos and 15 second videos. These offerings will likely expand over time, but because 15 second spots are the most popular video ad format this shouldn't be much of a hinderance for current platform adoption. Focus your message on being direct and to the point and these videos will add a lot of value.

But how does this bridge digital and mail?

The AR source material you utilize in LifePrint, can be repurposed for more than photos. Imagine reusing your postcard, carrier, or mail piece art — to kick-off AR content.

Let's say you send a postcard mailer for an animal shelter that stars a cute animal on the cover. This cover art could be used as the trigger for LifePrint. This way when you use the app, you could see the animal come to life before your eyes. This engagement drives you to respond to the mail piece or to a website where you can learn more about adoption or support the shelter.

In a longer format mail piece, you could do more than pull at heart strings… you could reaffirm your desired response by delivering a self-contained, multichannel engagement message. Imagine getting a letter from a charity and you are able to view a quick message from someone they helped, asking you to give… in their own voice and words. Would you be more likely to donate? This is what AR can provide without requiring additional mail costs.

But how will people know about the AR content?

The easy answer? Tell them about it.

Despite the obvious pros for incorporating AR content (low cost and increased response rate), the primary con is that people have to use an app to view this content. The key to remember here is that AR is providing additional value; not replacing your mail message. As such, any drawbacks to availability are effectively non-existent — especially since the inclusion of AR doesn't increase your mail costs.

Adoption of the LifePrint app will continue to grow organically since it is sold at Apple stores and also works with Android devices.

Plus, your organization can encourage adoption by simply highlighting when and where you offer AR content. Because it's new, many people will be willing to try it out. Simply make sure you list a link to download the app in the footer of the mail piece or next to your copy calling out the special content.

What are some other ways we might utilize AR video content in our next campaign?

You should feel free to add AR content into any printed format. Anything as small as a business card to as large as a poster or billboard, can deliver AR content using the LifePrint app. The main takeaway here, is that your ideas are no longer restricted to the printed page; so be creative in how you incorporate digital video.

With Apple's and LifePrint's help, AR content allows marketers an inexpensive way to incorporate digital video into your direct mail campaigns — creating a self-contained multichannel experience to boost engagement and response rates. Be bold and imaginative in your application of this emerging technology. 2018 will see several advances in augmented reality hardware so I hope this will help keep you ahead of the digital curve.

'Imagine getting a letter from a charity and you are able to view a quick message from someone they helped, asking you to give… in their own voice and words. Would you be more likely to donate? This is what AR can provide without requiring additional mail costs.'

*This article was originally published in DMAW Marketing AdVents, January 2018, Vol 57, No 1

Kristopher Morris is the Senior Digital Strategist at The Lukens Company, a direct-response marketing firm in Arlington, VA, specializing in integrated multi-channel campaigns for nonprofit and political clients. He specializes in digital advertising and audience cultivation to bolster message development/engagement, fundraising, and election efforts — with a focus on performance-based ROI. A veteran political operative, Kristopher has experience in congressional, state, and national campaigns; with a background in public relations and graphic design. Contact Kristopher at 703-845-8484 or via email at

Augmented Reality Impact on the Longevity of Direct Mail

This is a case study on the longevity and success of using augmented reality with direct mail marketing. Let us know if you have any questions regarding this service.

The Company

United Mail is a direct marketing company rooted in mail, data analytics, and variable-print. Founded in 1980, United Mail's directive has remained unchanged: to enrich connections between companies and their audiences. With locations in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH, United Mail serves small-to-medium businesses and Fortune 500 companies nationwide. With more than 120,000 sq. ft. of office and warehouse space, 250 employees, an expansive logistics network, and an array of traditional and digital services, United Mail delivers on the promise of relevant and meaningful communications at any scale. United Mail added augmented reality to the suite of direct mail services to maintain its commitment to relevant marketing practices.

The Project

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology in which a computer-generated image is superimposed on a user's view of the real world, providing a composite view of the images together. In-house, United Mail created an interactive card to send to a select number of clients to send holiday greetings as well as showcase the capabilities of AR in direct mail marketing pieces.

The Solution

United Mail sent out 90 Augmented Reality Christmas cards in early December 2016 to a select number of clients demonstrating the capabilities of AR. In addition to an interactive AR image, the card had a personalized URL (PURL) for each card recipient. When the recipient typed in their PURL into a web browser, it took them to a custom page where they could select a gift from three options, including gift cards from Starbucks, and gift baskets from Feeder's Supply (a regional pet supply store in Kentucky). Recipients of the card downloaded an APP with iPhone and Android capabilities to interact with the AR.

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The Results

One month after the card was sent out, in January of 2017, the initial download rate of the app was 23%. Recipients of the card from December 2016 are still passing it along and sharing it with others well into 2017. Fast forward five months later, iPhone downloads increased 106%, and Android downloads increased 915% indicating viewers not only held onto the piece, but shared it with others. The results of the AR Christmas Card are still having an impact for United Mail today.

This longevity of the continued use of the card with augmented reality is a testament to the multi-faceted benefits of this advanced technology. A marketing piece with AR not only provides a 'WOW factor' people like to see over and over, it also makes them more inclined to share the piece with others, enhancing the impact of the marketing campaign.

View a Demo of the AR Christmas Card

Direct Mail Augmented Reality Services

What Is Augmented Reality Mean

For information about using augmented reality in your marketing, visit our Direct Mail Augmented Reality page.

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