Libreoffice Math Latex

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Please don't abandon LibreOffice just for this. You can insert LaTeX formulas directly using the TexMaths extension. Like the title says. I am self studying intro to proofs(How to prove it by velleman) so I can start an introduction to analysis. I am wondering if I should complete all the exercises in the textbook. LibreOffice Math is a formula (equation) editor that is an integral part of LibreOffice. Anyone who wants to learn how to insert formulas and equations using Math will find this guide valuable. If you have never used LibreOffice Math before, or you want an introduction to all of the LibreOffice.

Add tag filters: Base (12)Business (105)Calc (129)Color Palette (13)Database (12)Dictionary (110)Documentation (33)Documents (169)Draw (32)Drawings (27)Education (99)Extensions (207)Fun (47)Gallery (32)Icons (6)Impress (54)Macro (11)Math (5)PDF (1)Presentations (57)Spreadsheets (142)Templates (492)Writer (187)

0,5 cm sqared paper

math work

Libreoffice Math Latex Download

1cm squared paper

Slightly gray 1cm squared paper for Maths/Science school work.


Universal toolbox for documents with mathematical content.

DocAlea : aléatoirisation de documents

Cette extension permet de générer des documents différents à partir d'un document générique (utile pour donner des devoirs, par exemple). Good cpu temp monitor.

Formatting of All Math Formulas

This extension allows formatting of all (or selection) Math formulas in your document. Works in Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress.


Guía de Primeros Pasos

La guía para comenzar a usar LibreOffice y explorar su potencial.

Free online equation writer



The iMath extension for intelligent formulas enables numeric and symbolic calculations inside a Writer document.



Calc-table for Math and other lessons

LibCryptooo - Cryptographie élémentaire

LibCryptooo is an extension of basic cryptography for schools.
Caution: French menus and dialogs.

LibreOffice Math Guide 6.4 (English)

Libreoffice Math Latex

04-2021 Filezilla hosting.

Maths for knitted Socks

A spreadsheet that calculates the row and the stitches for a sock. In French. Pour savoir combien de mailles monter et de rangs tricoter. En français.

Maths worksheets

Generates random worksheets for maths.


odt2daisy converts OpenDocument Text (ODT) to digital talking books in the DAISY format (DAISY 2.02, DAISY 3.0 XML and Full DAISY 3.0). The extension supports Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) and multilingual documents. It uses the text-to-speech eng



Use LilyPond musical notation within LibreOffice (requires LilyPond installed on your system)


Příručka LibreOffice Math 6.4 (Czech, čeština)

Uživatelská příručka LibreOffice Math 6.4 v češtině.


SIR infectious disease model

A spreadsheet solving the SIR infectious disease equations using a second order Runge-Kutta method.

Storage Made Easy Multi-Cloud File Fabric

This extension allows users to access and save files to a number of different cloud storage providers using the Storage Made Easy File Fabric Enterprise on-premises solution or SaaS service (account required).


TexMaths, a LaTeX equation editor for LibreOffice


Timestamp Backup


This extension for LibreOffice and OpenOffice enables the user to make a normal save and to additionally create a timestamped backup copy of the document with just one click.



Writer2xhtml is a collection of export filters to EPUB, HTML5, XHTML and XHTML+MathML

Latex论文写作-Texsdudio 快捷键总结

The keyboard shortcuts can be modified at Options -> Shortcuts.

The following list is a rough overview of the defaults keyboard shortcuts. Depending on the operating system, there may be some deviations to adapt for OS-specific shortcut conventions.

  • 'File' menu :
    • New : Ctrl+N
    • Open : Ctrl+O
    • Save : Ctrl+S
    • Save as: Ctrl+Alt+S
    • Save all: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S
    • Close : Ctrl+W
    • Print Source Code : Ctrl+P
    • Exit : Ctrl+Q
  • 'Edit' menu :
    • Undo : Ctrl+Z
    • Redo : Ctrl+Y
    • Copy : Ctrl+C
    • Cut : Ctrl+X
    • Paste : Ctrl+V
    • Select All : Ctrl+A
    • Expand Selection to Word : Ctrl+D
    • Expand Selection to Line : Ctrl+L
    • Delete Line : Ctrl+K
    • Delete to End of Line : Alt+K
    • Find : Ctrl+F
    • Find next : F3 / Ctrl+G
    • Find prev : Shift+F3 / Ctrl+Shift+G
    • Replace : CTrl+R
    • Go to line : Ctrl+G
    • Go to previous change: Ctrl+H
    • Go to to next change: Ctrl+Shift+H
    • Go to Bookmark 0.9: Ctrl+0.9
    • Set Bookmark 0.9: Ctrl+Shift+0.9
    • Set Unnamed Bookmark: Ctrl+Shift+B
    • Next Marker: Ctrl+Down
    • Previous Marker: Ctrl+Up
    • Go Back : Alt+Left
    • Go Forward : Alt+Right
    • Insert Unicode Character : Ctrl+Alt+U
  • 'Idefix' menu :
    • Erase Word/Cmd/Env: Alt+Del
    • Paste as LaTeX: Ctrl+Shift+V
    • Show preview : Alt+P
    • Comment : Ctrl+T
    • Uncomment : Ctrl+U
    • Next Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Down
    • Previous Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Up
    • Next Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Down
    • Previous Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Up
    • Go to definition: Ctrl+Alt+F
    • Normal Completion: Ctrl+Space
    • begin Completion: Ctrl+Alt+Space
    • Normal Text Completion: Alt+Shift+Space
    • Close Last Open Environment: Alt+Return
    • Remove Placeholders: Ctrl+Shift+K
  • 'Tools' menu :
    • Build & View : F5
    • Compile : F6
    • View : F7
    • Bibliography : F8
    • Glossary : F9
    • Check spelling : Ctrl+:
    • Thesaurus : Ctrl+Shift+F8
  • 'LaTeX' menu :
    • item : Ctrl+Shift+I
    • Italic : Ctrl+I
    • Slanted : Ctrl+Shift+S
    • Bold : Ctrl+B
    • Typewriter : Ctrl+Shift+T
    • Small caps : Ctrl+Shift+C
    • Emphasis : Ctrl+Shift+E
    • New line : Ctrl+Return
    • begin{environment} : Ctrl+E
    • Insert reference to next label : Ctrl+Alt+R
  • 'Math' menu :
    • Inline math mode : Ctrl+Shift+M
    • Display math mode : Alt+Shift+M
    • Numbered equations : Ctrl+Shift+N
    • Subscript : Ctrl+Shift+D
    • Superscript : CTrl+Shift+U
    • Frac : Alt+Shift+F
    • Dfrac : Ctrl+Shift+F
    • Sqrt : Ctrl+Shift+Q
    • Left : Ctrl+Shift+L
    • Right : Ctrl+Shift+R
  • 'User' menu :
    • User tags : Shift+F1..Shift+F10
    • User commands : Shift+Alt+F1..Shift+Alt+F10
  • 'View' menu :
    • Previous Document : Ctrl+PgDown
    • Next Document : Ctrl+PgUp
    • Focus Editor : Ctrl+Alt+Left
    • Focus Viewer : Ctrl+Alt+Right
    • Close Something : Esc
    • Editor Zoom In : Ctrl++
    • Editor Zoom Out : Ctrl+-
    • Fullscreeen Mode : F11

Libreoffice Impress Latex


1. LaTeX转word


可以转换的文件类型有: reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, Txt2Tags, Microsoft Word docx, LibreOffice ODT, EPUB, or Haddock markup, 等等

pandoc,这儿有个demo online



我用的CTex套件,貌似已经集成了latexdiff,并且已经加入环境变量。不然可以用WinEdit中Tex–>MiKTex–>MiKTex Package Manager 来自动安装latexdiff。




The iMath extension for intelligent formulas enables numeric and symbolic calculations inside a Writer document.



Calc-table for Math and other lessons

LibCryptooo - Cryptographie élémentaire

LibCryptooo is an extension of basic cryptography for schools.
Caution: French menus and dialogs.

LibreOffice Math Guide 6.4 (English)

04-2021 Filezilla hosting.

Maths for knitted Socks

A spreadsheet that calculates the row and the stitches for a sock. In French. Pour savoir combien de mailles monter et de rangs tricoter. En français.

Maths worksheets

Generates random worksheets for maths.


odt2daisy converts OpenDocument Text (ODT) to digital talking books in the DAISY format (DAISY 2.02, DAISY 3.0 XML and Full DAISY 3.0). The extension supports Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) and multilingual documents. It uses the text-to-speech eng


Use LilyPond musical notation within LibreOffice (requires LilyPond installed on your system)


Příručka LibreOffice Math 6.4 (Czech, čeština)

Uživatelská příručka LibreOffice Math 6.4 v češtině.


SIR infectious disease model

A spreadsheet solving the SIR infectious disease equations using a second order Runge-Kutta method.

Storage Made Easy Multi-Cloud File Fabric

This extension allows users to access and save files to a number of different cloud storage providers using the Storage Made Easy File Fabric Enterprise on-premises solution or SaaS service (account required).


TexMaths, a LaTeX equation editor for LibreOffice


Timestamp Backup

This extension for LibreOffice and OpenOffice enables the user to make a normal save and to additionally create a timestamped backup copy of the document with just one click.



Writer2xhtml is a collection of export filters to EPUB, HTML5, XHTML and XHTML+MathML

Latex论文写作-Texsdudio 快捷键总结

The keyboard shortcuts can be modified at Options -> Shortcuts.

The following list is a rough overview of the defaults keyboard shortcuts. Depending on the operating system, there may be some deviations to adapt for OS-specific shortcut conventions.

  • 'File' menu :
    • New : Ctrl+N
    • Open : Ctrl+O
    • Save : Ctrl+S
    • Save as: Ctrl+Alt+S
    • Save all: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S
    • Close : Ctrl+W
    • Print Source Code : Ctrl+P
    • Exit : Ctrl+Q
  • 'Edit' menu :
    • Undo : Ctrl+Z
    • Redo : Ctrl+Y
    • Copy : Ctrl+C
    • Cut : Ctrl+X
    • Paste : Ctrl+V
    • Select All : Ctrl+A
    • Expand Selection to Word : Ctrl+D
    • Expand Selection to Line : Ctrl+L
    • Delete Line : Ctrl+K
    • Delete to End of Line : Alt+K
    • Find : Ctrl+F
    • Find next : F3 / Ctrl+G
    • Find prev : Shift+F3 / Ctrl+Shift+G
    • Replace : CTrl+R
    • Go to line : Ctrl+G
    • Go to previous change: Ctrl+H
    • Go to to next change: Ctrl+Shift+H
    • Go to Bookmark 0.9: Ctrl+0.9
    • Set Bookmark 0.9: Ctrl+Shift+0.9
    • Set Unnamed Bookmark: Ctrl+Shift+B
    • Next Marker: Ctrl+Down
    • Previous Marker: Ctrl+Up
    • Go Back : Alt+Left
    • Go Forward : Alt+Right
    • Insert Unicode Character : Ctrl+Alt+U
  • 'Idefix' menu :
    • Erase Word/Cmd/Env: Alt+Del
    • Paste as LaTeX: Ctrl+Shift+V
    • Show preview : Alt+P
    • Comment : Ctrl+T
    • Uncomment : Ctrl+U
    • Next Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Down
    • Previous Latex Error: Ctrl+Shift+Up
    • Next Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Down
    • Previous Latex Bad Box: Shift+Alt+Up
    • Go to definition: Ctrl+Alt+F
    • Normal Completion: Ctrl+Space
    • begin Completion: Ctrl+Alt+Space
    • Normal Text Completion: Alt+Shift+Space
    • Close Last Open Environment: Alt+Return
    • Remove Placeholders: Ctrl+Shift+K
  • 'Tools' menu :
    • Build & View : F5
    • Compile : F6
    • View : F7
    • Bibliography : F8
    • Glossary : F9
    • Check spelling : Ctrl+:
    • Thesaurus : Ctrl+Shift+F8
  • 'LaTeX' menu :
    • item : Ctrl+Shift+I
    • Italic : Ctrl+I
    • Slanted : Ctrl+Shift+S
    • Bold : Ctrl+B
    • Typewriter : Ctrl+Shift+T
    • Small caps : Ctrl+Shift+C
    • Emphasis : Ctrl+Shift+E
    • New line : Ctrl+Return
    • begin{environment} : Ctrl+E
    • Insert reference to next label : Ctrl+Alt+R
  • 'Math' menu :
    • Inline math mode : Ctrl+Shift+M
    • Display math mode : Alt+Shift+M
    • Numbered equations : Ctrl+Shift+N
    • Subscript : Ctrl+Shift+D
    • Superscript : CTrl+Shift+U
    • Frac : Alt+Shift+F
    • Dfrac : Ctrl+Shift+F
    • Sqrt : Ctrl+Shift+Q
    • Left : Ctrl+Shift+L
    • Right : Ctrl+Shift+R
  • 'User' menu :
    • User tags : Shift+F1..Shift+F10
    • User commands : Shift+Alt+F1..Shift+Alt+F10
  • 'View' menu :
    • Previous Document : Ctrl+PgDown
    • Next Document : Ctrl+PgUp
    • Focus Editor : Ctrl+Alt+Left
    • Focus Viewer : Ctrl+Alt+Right
    • Close Something : Esc
    • Editor Zoom In : Ctrl++
    • Editor Zoom Out : Ctrl+-
    • Fullscreeen Mode : F11

Libreoffice Impress Latex


1. LaTeX转word


可以转换的文件类型有: reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, OPML, Emacs Org-Mode, Txt2Tags, Microsoft Word docx, LibreOffice ODT, EPUB, or Haddock markup, 等等

pandoc,这儿有个demo online



我用的CTex套件,貌似已经集成了latexdiff,并且已经加入环境变量。不然可以用WinEdit中Tex–>MiKTex–>MiKTex Package Manager 来自动安装latexdiff。




3. 对LaTeX进行语法修正工具



Libreoffice Table To Latex


Libreoffice Math Latex


Libreoffice Math Latex Tutorial

posted @ 2016-08-31 22:14Tsingke 阅读(7332) 评论(0) 编辑收藏

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